Spray foam insulation is an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly choice. It is made up of little pockets or cells that are extremely tight and create barriers to heat flow in or out of the building, sound and air. It impacts conduction (heat transfer) and convection (air flow) in a way that fiberglass or cellulose cannot by sealing gaps and cracks. It is a great solution for pier-and-beam homes, rooms over garages, and other uninsulated spaces that are typically difficult to insulate with traditional products.
While there are some downsides to spray foam insulation, it is an excellent product for reducing energy costs and making a building more comfortable. However, it is important to understand the pros and cons before choosing this type of insulation for a building project.
Spray Foam: The Pros and Cons
When spray foam insulation is properly installed it can last for as long as the building can – unlike other conventional insulation materials like fiberglass or cellulose, spray foam does not sag or settle with time. It also helps prevent water leaks and makes a great addition to any new construction or renovation project.
The biggest disadvantage of spray foam insulation is that it contains polyurethane and isocyanates which can release harmful fumes when they are mixed or sprayed. If these toxins are inhaled, irritation and rashes to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs can occur. Proper ventilation is critical during spraying and it is recommended to wear gloves and protective clothing. It is also important to use thermometers in storage facilities, rigs and during project setup to ensure that the products are at the correct temperature to avoid any problems during application.